
The following are experimental features in PowerPlots. They may change or disappear. To use the experimental features, the experimental module must be imported.

julia> using PowerPlots
julia> using PowerPlots.Experimental

Apply geographic coordinates

Change the coordinates from Cartesian to a geographic projection. This is experimental because it is not well tested. VegaLite does not support geographic projections and zooming/panning yet, so combining with add_zoom! will not work.

using PowerPlots
using PowerPlots.Experimental
using PowerModels
using Setfield

case = parse_file("WI_grid.m")
for (loadid,load_d) in case["load_data"] # append load coordinates
    for (k,v) in load_d
p1 = powerplot(case; width=300, height=300, fixed=true, flow=false, node_size=100, edge_size=3, parallel_edge_offset=.03)

p2 = deepcopy(p1)

@set! p1.title = "Cartesian"
@set! p2.title = "Geo Projection"

p = [p1 p2]
Example block output

Add Zoom

To enable zoom and pan on a plot use add_zoom!(plot). This is experimental because hover will only work on the first layer (branches) when zoom is enabled.

using PowerPlots
using PowerModels
case = parse_file("case14.m")
plot1 = powerplot(case)

Example block output